Report claims MNS demand to rise in bid to protect public safety

computer-keyboardThe use of mass notification systems (MNS) is predicted to thrive in the commercial sector amid fears of terrorism and high-profile crimes, according to a new study.

The ‘North American and European Markets for Mass Notification Systems’ report from IMS Research, now part of IHS, highlighted increased usage for such systems throughout a range of sectors.

The report claims the overall North American MNS market will grow by 30 per cent between 2013 and 2017. It is estimated to reach a value of $2.1 billion in 2017, up from $1.6 billion in 2013. The spending includes hardware, software and service, maintenance and installation.

Recent events such as the Boston bombing manhunt and the Sandy Hook massacre are cited as major factors in why governments and schools are increasingly looking to such systems in order to preserve public safety.

In North America, the major MNS markets include assembly, government, healthcare, military, transportation and education as well as the commercial sector. It is the latter which the report forecasts will be the fastest-growing segment through to 2017, ahead of the healthcare sector.

Source: HIS Inc. May 2013

MNS systems broadcast messages in emergency situations or other events and are used to disseminate information to large groups of people.

Such systems can involve large-scale audio speakers for broadcasting audible messages to sizeable audiences in outdoor areas or software to send alerts through text messages, email, phone lines, via television or push notifications.

Paul Everett, senior manager for security and fire at IHS, said: “From Amber Alerts on television, to school warnings over the telephone on sexual predators, MNS mechanisms have become a fact of life for most Americans.

“The need for such systems has come to the forefront because of recent high-profile crimes and terrorist acts that have affected thousands of citizens.

“Because of this, organisations including commercial enterprises, educational establishments, governmental bodies and military operations all are expected to adopt various types of MNS in the coming years.”

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