SAMI to hold seminar on port security: Risks, threats and opportunities

sami-logoThe Security Association for the Maritime Industry (SAMI) is increasingly concerned about the risks and threats to port security. As attention turns to this issue the association has announced a major new seminar, during which key industry speakers are set to focus on the opportunities for those running secure ports and for the experts providing support, resources and infrastructure which drives security within ports and terminals.

True maritime security is developed by embracing and responding to threats across the entire transport chain, and the seminar will connect the positive results which can be developed with this approach. Wherever there are risks, regardless of mode of transport or location, then the potential impact on shipping has to be considered and solutions found.

There has long been an evolving pattern of security threats facing ports – from pirates, criminals, smugglers, thieves and stowaways. Security threats are constantly evolving and ports must constantly transform their security responses to meet and counter these challenges. For all ports there is the economic drive to ensure that they are secure. Whether driven by legislation or demanding clients or investors, increasingly ports must prove they have the systems, people and equipment in place to safeguard their secure integrity.

Ports are vulnerable to attack, whatever the target – whether cargoes, vessels or the infrastructure itself, they need a lot of protecting. There may be no such thing as a standard port, but there are general security lessons which can be learned and applied.

Peter Cook, SAMI CEO says, “Equipment, technology and hardware are the keys to future port security efforts, and it is vital that port operators know the options available to protect their people, clients, facilities and cargoes from attack.” He adds, “The right technology, properly installed and fully integrated into the overall security philosophy and regime can bring enormous benefits.”

Technology can be used to secure ports, but has to be part of a wider overarching security regime and philosophy. If the focus is on truly securing the port, then technology can be an increasingly significant and important part of the efforts.

The key to keeping ports secure while maintaining the flow of cargo and ease of vessel and traffic movement is to embrace intelligence, data and innovation. People need to be able to visit vessels, cargo has to be stored, shifted and transported, while vessels have to have safe access to and from berths.

These are massive challenges, and they can only be overcome by understanding the problems, gathering information and addressing the composite security elements in a holistic, controlled and managed process.

The Security Association for the Maritime Industry (SAMI) is seeking to ensure that there is joined up thinking in this issue, and that maritime and port security are not seen as separate and distinct. There may be unique issues for both, but by drawing on the systematic and intelligent responses which exist, then the tools, investment and resources needed to keep ships secure will also be keeping ports protected too.

There are many risks and threats posed to ports, and these impact the users and client base too. So it is imperative that the right actions are taken. For the ports acting on security there are massive opportunities, and whether it is higher cargo throughput or lower insurance premiums, security makes a difference across the board.  There are opportunities too for those who provide consultancy and support, as well as technical solutions and equipment.

Port Security: “Risks, Threats and Opportunities” will be held on Wednesday 9th April 2014 from 1.30pm to 5pm at HQS Wellington, Victoria Embankment, London. Registration is now open, simply click here to sign up. Fees for the event are as follows:

  • SAMI Members: £50 +VAT
  • Non-Members: £75 +VAT
  • IPSA & SSA Members: £50 +VAT
  • Students: £20 +VAT


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