Security Media Publishing has refreshed and enhanced its brand

Security Media Publishing new logo 2014“A definition of insanity is to carry on doing the same things in the same way and expect different results.” – Albert Einstein

Security Media Publishing is a multimedia marketing company which delivers publicity through news, web, print and video to companies in the global security industry. It also offers these skills, which have been finely honed within the security industry, to other sectors.

With the merger of Security Media Publishing and The Security Catalogue in December 2013 the portfolio was then complete with forward leading marketing tools to support the global security industry.

However, following the wise advice of Albert Einstein, we realised that to remain forward leading and up to speed with the expectations of our clients we have made a number of enhancements and evolved. The first is our brand new corporate website, This is our corporate site that outlines exactly who we are and what we can deliver.

SecurityNewsDesk new logo 2014The next phase of our evolution was driven by the recognition of the importance, and unique nature, of the Middle East market. So,  sponsored by the global security solutions company IDIS, we have launched as a distinct and separate site to demonstrate our commitment to the Middle East while reflecting the vast amount of development, change and news to come out of the region.

Alongside these enhancements we engaged Creative Astro Ltd., a professional design studio in Birmingham, assisted by a group of interns from Birmingham University, who rebranded across our whole product range with a universal symbol that represents the many capabilities we have brought together, giving us true brand coherence.

Along side our rebranding we have enhanced our electronic marketing services by distributing all material across our social media database instead of limiting distribution to just our email database.  This adds up to an additional 850,000 security professionals who have visibility of our updates.

SecurityMiddleEast new logo 2014Recognising how easy it is easy to make claims about numbers of who is visiting our sites and reading our news, we have gone one step further and are happy to prove our visitor statistics. We can do this by showing statistics that cannot be altered in anyway as they are Server Stats, taken directly from our hosting servers with all non-human traffic removed from the final figure. These numbers clearly demonstrate that our current average of 20,000 unique visitors per month is on a firm upward trend.

We are look forward to working with you in our new evolved and rebranded chapter. Whether it is through print, video or online projects, we look forward to meeting you in person or communicating through any of our comprehensive and growing social media channels.

Security Media Publishing website

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