Skills for Security to develop apprenticeship frameworks for the Locksmith sector

Skills for Security
Skills for Security

The Standards and Development team at Skills for Security has secured industry funding to develop qualifications and apprenticeship frameworks for the Locksmith sector, based on the National Occupational Standards due to be submitted to the regulator at the end of March.

The first meeting for all Locksmiths interested in contributing their sector knowledge and experience to this work will take place on Friday 6th May 10.00 – 12.00 at Skills for Security in Worcester. This is your opportunity to take part in discussions on the type and level of accredited qualifications and apprenticeships that your sector needs. If you would like to attend or want to know more about the plans, please contact by 25th March.

Skills for Security is the Sector Skills Body for the Security Business Sector and  leads the way in raising standards to meet the demand for a more professional, highly trained and qualified workforce.  Skills for Security works with employers to improve security skills by providing access to training courses and security qualifications for people employed in private security roles across the UK.

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