Teleste at Intersec 2016

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Intersec 2016 will take place 17 to 19 January, 2016 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Dubai, UAE. Welcome to visit Teleste at stand S1-E42.

Teleste at Intersec 2016

One of the key elements for today’s safe cities is video surveillance. In addition, new applications and technologies such as facial recognition and automatic analysis of data are utilized to add intelligence into the video surveillance system.

At Intersec 2016 we will demonstrate our IP video management system, the S-VMX, that seamlessly connects different security sub-systems and applications, such as situation and event management, Video Content Analytics and legacy systems to name but a few. The S-VMX enables effective control of the overall system through the Command&CaptureTM technology.

We will also showcase new information pillar with an integrated camera from our daughter company Mitron.

Welcome to meet us at Intersec!

The Teleste Team

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