The Water Works Predicament

Completed in 2022, Jacksons Fencing was specified to install Securi-Mesh® security panels and ball-stop fencing for Water Treatment Works in Surrey, for one of the UK’s largest water utility companies. Sewage Treatment Works are an important site for any water utility company focusing on the treatment and processing of local wastewater. Perimeter security and access control are essential at most water treatment works, however at this site, there were additional challenges.

The safety requirement

The treatment facility shares a boundary with a recreation ground, therefore there is a high risk of objects such as stray footballs entering the site facilities. As a result, a practical solution compromising more than just boundary security fencing was needed. The solution would need to be beneficial and complement both the treatment plant and recreation ground users.

Additionally, the recreation ground is in close vicinity to a local community centre with an attached preschool, so ensuring all are safe and secure is paramount.

Two solutions, once fence

In order to create a safe, secure, and long-lasting boundary fencing solution for the water treatment works, more than 230 metres of Securi-Mesh® security panels were installed around the perimeter, backing onto the treatment works itself. Two different heights were specified; 3 and 5 metres, and these were installed to prevent the risk of vandalism and tampering with the high-security site. A break-in could result in a threat to public safety, so preventing this was a top priority.

Securi-Mesh® fencing boasts an anti-climb design; its small apertures between the mesh wires eliminate foot and hand holds, and it is also highly resistant to cutting with conventional hand tools. The tamper-proof bolts and clamp bars secure the overlapped mesh panels to posts, and this system further deters any form of criminal behaviour or entry by preventing the panels from being prised away from posts.

Bigger, better, safer

To reduce the risk of balls and other airborne objects entering the recreation ground and landing on the water treatment facilities which include several wastewater bins, tanks, clarifies, and covers, Jacksons’ Ball Stop Fencing was a key component in the boundary solution. Sitting at 6 metres tall and strategically placed behind goal posts, the fencing blocks the airspace and rebounds items that are likely to hit in key areas. This form of fencing also reduces the temptation to attempt to trespass onto the site due to the sheer height of the fencing solution.

The first to feature a double lattice post design, the fencing is strong enough to allow the webbing or mesh to remain in place throughout the year. With the use of a top rail for safety and structural rigidity, combined with either polyethylene netting, galvanised chain link, or galvanised welded mesh, this type of fencing is ideal for a variety of sports sites, to keep balls in play and prevent disruptions.

Peter Jackson, Jacksons Fencing Managing Director, comments: “We are delighted to have helped the sewage treatment works create a secure environment for the local community and help protect this critical infrastructure. Hearing that this site was at risk of being a target by vandals or trespassers is disappointing, but I am delighted that Jacksons Fencing has been able to address the issue by installing a robust fencing and security solution to protect the site and those in the local area of Surrey.”

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