The Commons Transport Select Committee claims railway staff across the UK need increased training to deal with potential security incidents.
The influential group of MPs has called for a review on how railway workers are trained and warned the Department for Transport to ensure weaknesses in the UK’s land transport security regime are addressed.
In response to a European Commission working document for an EU-wide move to improve land security, the Committee published the report following a short inquiry.
Evidence gathered for the inquiry concluded the current approach to land transport security was “working well” but highlighted a need for a review of mandatory and best practice standards in the National Railway Security Programme training.
Concerns relating to consistencies of preparation for security incidents were pointed out as the Committee called for action to improve security procedures at railway stations.
The report said that all railway staff must have “an understanding of potential threats, risks, preventative measures and incident management”.
The Committee suggested a need for further EU involvement to impose common security standards across the EU rail network.
The EU already sets legislation for the maritime and aviation sectors and the European Commission is considering whether to increase its involvement across land transport security, including rail and road.
Louise Ellman MP, Chair of the Transport Select Committee, said upon launching the report: “Security is vital and it is essential that we constantly review the most effective means of keeping people safe and combating crime.
“Neither industry nor government showed enthusiasm for greater EU involvement. But it is important for the Government to push for greater action at a national level to address problem areas including the co-ordination of security measures at EU borders.”