Aviation, maritime, mass transit and supply chain debates to examine key industry wide challenges and available solutions
Transport Security Expo, the industry leading annual gathering of security professionals from within the sector, today unveils an expanded conference programme at its forthcoming event. While reflecting upon the seemingly intractable security challenges that continue to bedevil the collective transport industries, this year’s conference programme aims to bring clarity to the threats currently faced and those that may be over the near horizon.
Commenting on the forthcoming Transport Security Expo, Managing Director David Woodbridge said: “Through extensive research and widespread industry outreach we have focused each of the conferences toward identifying threats and real world methods of mitigation. These expanded conferences also introduce the relatively new concept of interactive debate, allowing delegates from across the globe to fully engage in the important discussions at hand.”
This newly created ‘Great Live Debates’ conference feature hones in on primary concerns within the aviation; maritime and public transport domain spaces and enables attendees to discuss matters of most concern to them in open forum during the two days of Transport Security Expo.
Within the aviation space the proposed move to outcome focused risk based security and the continuing saga of liquid and gel based screening, represent the biggest shake up in passenger facing security measures for very many years. A controversial decision taken by government last year to arm the merchant marine, all too succinctly emphasises that national agencies are devoid of easy answers to the conundrum of piracy on the high seas. The growing trend in conductive metal theft across the public transport space is a sign of harsh economic reality, which directly impinges upon the safety of such mass transit networks and is costly to address.
Transport Security Expo will reconvene 14-15 November 2012 at London Olympia. The event will feature three two-day conferences focused upon aviation, maritime and public transport security. It will also host a one-day supply chain focused conference organised by the Transported Assets Protection Association.
Conference chairmen include Andrew McClumpha, Director, LeighFisher; Mathew Finn, Managing Director, Augmentiq, Chris Trelawny, Deputy Director Maritime Security and Facilitation, International Martime Organisation (IMO), Giles Noakes, Chief Maritime Security Officer, BIMCO, Neil Skelton, Head of Professional Services, ITS UK and Chris Lynch, Transport Security Lead, Deloitte.
Significant security issues remain across the transport industries’ domain space, which could be exploited by those with the intent to inflict harm. Over the past decade we have discovered to our cost that terrorist organisations are resourceful and nimble adversaries, with the capability to strike when least expected and from often times unexpected directions. In these times of austerity the transport sector must do its bit to do more with less and plug these gaps in the overall security architecture.
“We continue or work in a tough economic environment but budgetary constraint should not distract us from the ultimate goal of making the transport infrastructure more secure than it is today. These conferences help to identify the key security issues faced in each of the transport fields and could potentially help attending delegates to make informed decisions as to where tight budgets should be focused. We look forward to welcoming those with primary responsibility for security within the transport world back to London Olympia in November for Transport Security Expo,” concludes David Woodbridge.
This vital annual conference event is held in conjunction with an extensive programme of information rich workshop seminars and against the backdrop of one of the biggest exhibitions of its kind in the security world today.