ASSA ABLOY Access Control monitors the discussion

ASSA ABLOY Access Control has launched a new downloadable white paper to open a discussion on the issues surrounding measuring student attendance at university today.

The white paper, entitled, ‘should student attendance be monitored?’ is now available at and looks at the new internal and external pressures on universities to monitor and record student attendance.

Taken into account in the white paper are the complex issues concerning privacy and data protection plus the more philosophical debate about the purpose of high education and implications of monitoring students on developing self learning and motivation.

Significantly, the white paper also notes how the statutory need to invest in monitoring capabilities comes against a backdrop of severe public sector financial constraints, as the UK remains deep in economic difficulty and notes the ‘real term’ cuts in expenditure implicated over the next three years.

Says ASSA ABLOY Access Control Managing Director Matt Thomas, author of the white paper: “Our research into this paper demonstrates the need to introduce monitoring of student attendance is a real issue faced by Universities across the UK and Ireland.

“All are facing pressures from the Student Loan Company and the UK Border Agency, that has itself introduced new legislation governing the immigration of students and teaching staff.

And as recent well–publicised events have shown, UKBA and immigration officers are prepared to revoke sponsors licenses and deport students they suspect are not fulfilling their duties.

“But in many cases, Universities are also aware of their duty of care for the welfare and protection of students, and feel this must be balanced carefully when introducing any new monitoring schemes. Choosing the right solution thus requires careful analysis of the implications, together with the cost and maintenance of implementation.

“In this white paper, we have attempted not only to raise awareness of these challenging issues but also to demystify and stimulate a debate to establish how Universities can cost effectively comply with statutory regulations and ensure students welfare is protected, to keep in sync with the culture of university life for students and staff.”

The white paper entitled ‘Should all student attendance be monitored?’ is now available to download at and encourages responses to a dedicated facebook page at




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