Senstar LM100 recieves fixture seal of approval from the International Dark Skies Association

Senstar have announced its Senstar LM100 hybrid perimeter intrusion detection and intelligent lighting system has received the Fixture Seal of Approval (FSA) from the International Dark Skies Association (IDA).
IDA is the recognized authority on light pollution. Its mission is to preserve and protect the night time environment and the heritage of dark skies through environmentally responsible outdoor lighting. To help accomplish this, IDA developed the FSA program to provide objective, third-party certification for lighting that minimizes glare, reduces light trespass and doesn’t pollute the night sky.
The Senstar LM100 combines two key security functions in one product, acting as a powerful deterrent against intruders by detecting and illuminating them at the fence line. Its engineered lighting is environmentally friendly (its power-efficient LED technology uses 95% less power than traditional security lighting systems) and is specially-designed to minimize light pollution.
“The minimized light pollution of the LM100 makes it ideal for deployment in urban and residential environments where legislation is changing and general environmental awareness continues to grow,” said Product Manager Todd Brisebois.
“Senstar takes pride in developing high quality products that take into consideration environmental impact and receiving the FSA is testament to our commitment to environmental preservation. Thank you to the IDA for this approval.”

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