New appointments on Security Institute board
Andrew Nicholls, has been appointed Deputy Chairman of The Security Institute and board member Alison Wakefield assumes the role of Vice Chairman. Announcing the appointments, Security Institute Chairman Garry Evanson said “We have some demanding targets for this year and there’s a lot to be achieved. I am lucky to have a capable and committed board but there are some projects that need people working closely alongside me and David Thorp our Managing Director, hence these two important appointments, one focusing on the commercial side of our activities and the other on our professional body activities”
Nicholls, who is Head of Security and Licensing for Mitchells & Butlers PLC, based at their head office in Birmingham said of becoming Deputy Chairman “My role as Deputy Chairman is to lead on the commercial responsibilities of the Institute. I will be focusing on two areas in particular; firstly, continuing to grow the membership of the Institute by attracting membership from various areas of potential new interest and, secondly, creating better awareness about the existence of the Institute through an enhanced communication strategy.”
New Vice Chairman Alison Wakefield is an academic criminologist based at the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth where she directs the BSc programme in Risk and Security Management and the Professional Doctorate in Security Risk Management. She says of her new role “The Institute’s founding principles 15 years ago were to become a pre-eminent professional body, represent members’ interests and provide a forum for debate, assist in setting professional standards, lead and encourage personal and collective professional development, education and qualifications, and promote security as a career. These objectives remain as important as ever, and I see my role as Vice Chairman as being to drive forward the development of the Institute’s status as a professional – and future Chartered – body.