The surge in high definition (HD) surveillance cameras will lead to a doubling in the amount of data being dumped on a daily basis in the next four years.
The ‘Enterprise and IP Storage used for Video Surveillance’ report from IHS predicts a flood of HD cameras will lead to a surge in the daily data dump, reaching 859 (PB) Petabytes in 2017 and more than double the 2013 figure of 413 PB.
Sam Grinter, senior surveillance analyst at IHS, said: “HD-compliant products are set to account for an increasing share of video surveillance camera shipments during the next four years.
“These cameras are gaining acceptance because the quality of their video can be superior to standard-resolution products that formerly dominated the market.
“But because each HD camera produces far more data than each standard-definition camera, the quantity of data generated by the surveillance market is growing to massive proportions.”
The 413 PB figure for 2013 is enough data to fill 92.1 million single-sided single-layer DVDs and equates to four times the amount of photo and video data stored on Facebook as of February 2012.
It is also equal to the quantity of information produced in a single day by all the new surveillance cameras installed worldwide in 2013.
According to the report, the rise of new technologies will have an impact on the volume of data being produced and dumped. New compression algorithms like the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard H.265 – claimed to double the data compression ratio compared to H.264 – will reduce the volume of data produced per camera.
Video content analysis is also cited as having the potential to reduce the amount of data per camera. Rather than simply recording continuously, virtual trip-wires and no-entry zones can trigger the camera to record important events at pre-defined times.
In addition, the report claims increasing capacities of hard disk drives means growing quantities of data can be recorded on-site or on network systems to impact on the quantity of data dumped.