Honeywell Supports Obama’s Environmental Commitments

Honeywell Supports President Obama and President Xi’s Environmental Commitments and Emissions Reduction Goals

Honeywell has released a statement in response to the environmental commitment and emission reduction goals set out by President Obama and President Xi.

We applaud the environmental commitments that President Obama and President Xi announced today.  Governments need to take meaningful steps to reduce and prevent environmental degradation to our air and communities.  That is what President Obama and President Xi did today.  Honeywell is ready to support the broad adoption of the goals that the leaders of the world’s biggest economies outlined today.  Sustainable development – that includes clean air and communities – is a key building block to stronger economies around the world over the long-term. Establishing emissions reduction commitments, like the ones highlighted by President Obama and President Xi today, are critical to the success of healthier global environments.  The leadership demonstrated by both the U.S. and China in outlining specific goals is an important step in the right direction and we applaud both countries for their positive commitments. 
Technologies exist today that will help companies and government make tremendous strides immediately.  Honeywell will do our part to provide the products and technologies and to reduce even further our own emissions.  We should all stand ready to use existing technologies, while also continuing to innovate for a brighter future.

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