Idax Software has launched Version 3 (V3) of its identity analytics platform. V3 prioritises the user experience with an intuitive and interactive user interface, putting it at the forefront of cyber-security. Idax’s platform analyses what data and files your staff have access to, and tells you which access rights they shouldn’t have.
Insider threat is now reaching epidemic proportions, with an estimated 90% of tech crimes being committed by employees. Whether they are the result of bad actors, collusion or unwitting accomplices, most data breaches are simply about access and opportunity. 75% of employees say that they have access to data they shouldn’t, and 25% of employees are willing to sell data to a competitor for less than $8,000.
Too many organisations are still reliant on outdated methods to counteract this ever-growing threat. Traditionally, line managers are required to review a confusing list of applications and systems that their staff have access to, and approve or deny all of this, with no context, explanations, or ability to question individual items.
It is clear that both modern tools and a large-scale culture shift are needed to tackle this threat. Everyone in the organisation needs to be made to feel that cyber security is their own responsibility – from the CEO to the worker on the shop floor. But to achieve that, they need better tools and more useful information.
With the launch of V3, Idax provides insights for the whole organisation, not just the IT or security team – increasing cyber effectiveness, mobilising the organisation, and reducing insider threat.
Idax’s technology is the first identity and access management system that puts user experience first, giving staff the information they need to make the right decisions. This is a critical step in changing the culture around protecting assets; in order to engage everyone, you need an identity management solution that puts everyone at the front of the fight. A positive user experience is not just a ‘nice to have’, but a critical step in making a company’s cyber defence strategy work.
Idax finds employees with access to data they shouldn’t have, within minutes, and without any prior knowledge about your day-to-day business. Idax implements preventative controls that eliminate risk right at the source. Critically, it lightens the load on managers currently faced with the thankless task of managing permissions for their team, giving those managers more context and information with which to make better decisions and establish least privilege.
“You can throw as much analytics at identity and access management as you like, but it will all be futile if the technology is not easy to use and to engage with – if the user experience is not positive.” commented Mark Rodbert, CEO of Idax Software. “With the launch of Idax V3, we have put the users at the heart of Idax Analytics.”
V3 of Idax’s technology brings a modern, interactive user interface to the identity analytics platform. This new UI is browser-based, and can be accessed from anywhere, making it more easily accessible for users. The latest version also makes Idax’s insights actionable, giving managers the power to approve or make changes to employees’ access within the platform.
“This new user interface is about much more than just making it more aesthetically pleasing,” continued Mark Rodbert. “Putting the user first and empowering them to make informed decisions about access management is critical to changing attitudes towards securing data and to protecting the organisation from data breaches.”
“With the launch of V3, Idax has completely reinvented the look and feel of its platform, transforming the way users interact with it,” commented the head of security architecture at a major international bank. “We are rolling out V3 of Idax across our organisation and are delighted with the results. Staff members across the company are able to take responsibility for their teams’ access rights, and we are already seeing a clear improvement in risk scores.”