IFSEC International , the world’s largest annual security and fire event, will showcase its first ever Lone Worker Protection Product Area this May (14 -17 May 2012, NEC Birmingham) to support and protect the UK’s 8 million lone workers*. Classified as anyone working alone, without close supervision or away from their fixed base, a staggering 40 percent of the UK population are now recognised as part-time lone workers.
Delivered in conjunction with many of the industry’s leading companies and experts, the new product area will offer free to attend seminar sessions, educational workshops and a range of services, products and solutions for lone workers.
Patrick Dealtry, Chairman of the BSIA Lone Worker Steering Group and creator of the British Standard for Lone Workers, said: “There is an increased understanding by companies and organisations that it really is important to take care of their employees who may be at risk because of the job their employer asks them to do. Last year, a small company was fined £385,000 for failing to do so. It is therefore highly relevant that IFSEC International includes a Lone Worker product area for the first time.”
Sponsored by Connexion2, a leader in lone worker security and manufacturer of identicom, the most widely used dedicated lone worker device in the UK, the product area will showcase the latest risk control measures and device-based solutions for protecting lone workers and help minimise the risks they face on a daily basis. Many industry names are supporting the feature and experts will be on hand to advise visitors throughout the show.
Patrick Dealtry said: “Traditionally, IFSEC International has been focused on technical methods (CCTV, access control, alarms etc), of protecting organisations by protecting their buildings. Protecting the building protects the people and ‘things’ in them that make up those organisations activities. Now, for the first time, IFSEC International is giving companies and organisations the ability to discover how to protect their staff when they are perhaps at their most vulnerable – when employees, at whatever level, are out of those heavily protected areas, or alone in them, and away from their employees direct capability to protect them.”
Now that the BS8484 code of practice is firmly in place and cases of employee neglect under the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act are being prosecuted (in the event of a death), it is more vital than ever that both lone workers and employers are up to speed with the latest guidance and solutions. Created for security and health & safety professionals, lone workers themselves and senior management who work within companies where lone working occurs, the product area is expected to draw attendees from across the public and private sector including those in the emergency services, retail, healthcare, logistics/haulage, education, care, utilities and guarding profession.
Craig Swallow, Managing Director of Connexion2, said: “We’re delighted to see the issue of lone worker safety increasingly moving up the agenda in the security industry, as reflected through IFSEC International’s decision to feature a dedicated lone worker protection area at the 2012 show. The area’s inclusion and mix of educational content on show is good news for device vendors, solution providers and most importantly, the end users of lone worker products and services.”
Charlie Cracknell, Event Director for IFSEC International said: “Whether you are an employer of lone workers, or a self-employed lone worker, you have a duty of care to provide solutions to manage risks in the workplace. If you don’t understand the potential risks to you and your business then how can you protect yourself? The Lone Worker Protection Product Area will provide vital education to employers and lone workers from around the UK and enable them to manage risks on their doorstep.”
Patrick Dealtry concludes: “Whether they may be in remote sites, other commercial and domestic premises, or other at-risk situations, it is much more difficult for employers to demonstrate and action their responsibilities when the employee is outside the employers’ direct control. And if they cannot do so then the organisation itself is vulnerable to legislation and litigation. So, the message is – ‘protect your Lone Workers and protect your organisation.”
To discuss exhibiting opportunities within the Lone Worker Protection Product Area, please contact Peter Poole, Event Manager, Security Portfolio at UBM on Tel: +44 (0) 20 7921 8284 / +44 (0) 7824 417913 or email: peter.poole@ubm.com. To register to attend IFSEC International or for further information, please visit www.ifsec.co.uk , follow us on Twitter @IFSEC or become a member of the IFSEC LinkedIn Group.