ONVIF chairman to keynote IoT and Standards Webinar from Memoori

ONVIF chairman to keynote IoT and Standards Webinar from Memoori

ONVIF®, the leading global standardization initiative for IP-based physical security products, is pleased to announce that Per Björkdahl, ONVIF Steering Committee Chair, will be the featured presenter in the webinar ‘Physical Security, IoT and Open Standards’, on August 17, 2016, at 4:00 PM BST.

The webinar is hosted by Memoori, an independent market research company that studies the physical security, smart buildings and energy management markets.

The webinar will examine how the Internet of Things and cloud computing have already shaped the physical security industry and will also cover the development of ONVIF’s profiles.

Cyber security from a physical security standards viewpoint will be considered, focusing on how open standards can help secure sensitive communications between devices. ONVIF’s cyber security strategies and future profile developments will be discussed as well. A brief question and answer period for attendees will close the hour-long presentation.

“This webinar is for integrators, end users and anyone else who is interested in how ONVIF can be a valuable tool in IoT and other deployments that require secure communications between multiple devices and clients,” said Per Björkdahl, ONVIF Steering Committee Chair.

To register for the ONVIF webinar, please visit Memoori’s website. This free, live webinar is sponsored by Tridium.

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