A rise in thefts at the shop near Cardiff Central train station led to Shop Manager Samantha Griffiths appealing for security solutions.“It’s sad that we should have to worry about this kind of crime. Our supporters go out of their way to donate to us to make a difference towards our life-saving work.” Romad, Europe’s fastest growing manufacturer of lone worker devices responded to Samantha’s call for help by supplying an RSP-100, one of the key features of which allows volunteers to make an SOS call in the event of them being involved in an incident whilst on duty and if necessary, to do so discretely.
The functionality of the RSP-100 enables personnel at G4S’ alarm receiving centre to quickly assess the situation by listening in to the device whilst alerting the appropriate emergency services if required. The Cardiff branch of Cancer Research UK, located on Central Square, received a special commendation from the charity for its staff’s dedication to service. Volunteers are aged between 15 and 86 and include retired people who want to do something sociable for a good cause, as well as younger staff completing Duke of Edinburgh Awards or NVQ qualifications.
Lee Howells, Romad’s Sales Director said: “It is a sad indictment of the state of our society that people who are prepared to volunteer to help raise money for such an important organisation as Cancer Research UK are having to put up with this kind of worry. We are therefore delighted that we have been able to help by donating an RSP-100 and with the assistance of G4S, who have kindly offered to provide the monitoring services free of charge, hopefully the shop’s volunteers will now feel they are working in a safe environment.” Background Information:
The Romad RSP-100’s small size and light weight, (it weighs just 62.5g with the standard battery attached), means it can be worn on a lanyard or clipped to a belt. Simple over the air commands are used to configure the device, providing 4 pre-programmable speed dial numbers and a rugged SOS alert button. One of the pre-allocated speed dial numbers, for example, allows lone workers to leave a recorded message when they arrive at an appointment. This message is safely stored on the Romad server and can be quickly retrieved if the user is out of contact or if there is concern for his or her’s welfare. For more information on the RSP-100 lone worker protection solution Tel: +44 (0)8701 40 30 40 or email: info@romadltd.com.or visit www.romadltd.com