Security Industry ‘Tough Mudders’ – Join the team if you are tough enough

Tough-Mudder-2012 (2)John Guest of Eligo Recruitment and Chris Worrall of ATEC are joining forces with Nick Stannard and Luke Webster of Total Security Summit to tackle the “Tough Mudder” event on 26th April.

The obstacle course will test their strength, stamina, mental grit and camaraderie. They will be enduring electric shocks, ice water tunnels and fire walls, all with plenty of mud, not to mention the 12 miles they have to run.

Are you a ‘Tough Mudder’ and want to join them? There is still time to join the team if you are tough enough! Alternatively you can support them and the Jeans for Genes charity by sponsoring them.

To join the team contact John Guest

To sponsor them visit their fundraising page.

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