SecurityNewsDesk Newspaper Issue 2 available now

Issue 2 of SecurityNewsDesk, the newspaper for the security industry, was a huge hit at IFSEC 2013. Almost 1,000 copies were handed out on the show floor, but if you missed out on your copy there is no reason to be disappointed as a digital version of Issue 2 is now available.

SecurityNewsDesk Issue 2 includes features on:

  • DVRs and NVRs
  • IFSEC Preview
  • Video analytics/video content analysis
  • Ports and Airports
  • A special focus on the Middle East market

Coming up in issue 3:

  • An in-depth look at Identity cards and accessories
  • IFSEC Review – A look-back at the successful 2013 instalment of the year’s leading security event
  • Alarm management – Looking at the latest technologies in alarm management. Have you recently installed your product in an exciting or demanding location? Contact us
  • Hospital Security – We take a look at security solutions for hospitals and its staff. Do you have a case study of a successful deployment?
  • Region focus: ASEAN – A closer view on developments in Southeast Asia.

Issue 3 is now in production, with an advertising deadline of 14 June. Want to be involved? Get in touch today on 01543 250456 or email

The SecurityNewsDesk girls handed out newspapers on the show floor at IFSEC 2013
The SecurityNewsDesk girls handed out newspapers on the show floor at IFSEC 2013

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