SecurityNewsDesk – highlights of the next edition

The next edition of SecurityNewsDesk newspaper – our first edition of 2015 – is shaping up to be a big one, with many important and topical stories currently being planned:

Critical National Infrastructure

Among other things, we will be focusing on the protection of Critical National Infrastructure. Firstly we will ask, what counts as CNI and how do governments identify it?

Having identified it, what policies and procedures do governments put in place to safeguard it. This includes:

  • Identifying the threats
  • Assessing the possible attack scenarios from physical to cyber
  • Assessing the potential consequences
  • Developing plans to mitigate the threats and consequences
  • Testing and rehearsing the plans
  • Identifying new and evolving threats

We will look at case studies of specific sectors to explore the threat analysis and response, and we will interview a number of well-placed experts in the field who will comment on issues related to the protection of CNI.

If you have expertise in this field and wish to comment, please contact Tom Reeve at

CCTV focus

We will also offer an update on the CCTV industry, including new technology and best practice.

This feature will focus on the use of new technology in greenfield sites compared to well-developed installations, and also look at how this influences the market in countries which are relatively new to the CCTV revolution compared to those that have had it for a long time.

Technology that we will examine includes:

  • High-resolution cameras including 4K technology versus lower resolution legacy equipment.
  • How important is remote access including apps and mobile phones?
  • And what is the market saying about the Cloud – ie, remote storage options?

If you have expertise and wish to comment, please contact Kirsty McMahon at

Intersec review

Fresh from Intersec, our commercial team will provide comprehensive coverage of their visit to Dubai, including news and comment from leading exhibitors, conference presentations, how the show ranks in the international security calendar and a look forward to the 2016 show.

Sub-Saharan Africa

Our region focus this time will be on Africa south of the Sahara. Specifically, we will look at Nigeria, Kenya and Sierra Leone and the challenges of living and working in these countries.

In particular, we will look at the oil industry and tourism and the threats to regional stability including Ebola and terrorism.

If you have expertise and wish to comment, please contact Kirsty McMahon at

Access control

In this feature, we will look at recent developments in access control technology. Issues that we will include are:

  • Developments in wireless technology and IP
  • The cyber threat to networked access control systems

We are keen to hear from companies that can offer insight into cutting edge product development. Please email Tom Reeve at

Commercial opportunities

To discuss commercial opportunities in this issue, contact Peter Mawson on +44(0)1543-250456 or

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