Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of SecurityNewsDesk newspaper

SND 06 Cover Image (Custom)The sixth edition of SecurityNewsDesk’s print newspaper is starting to take shape, so don’t miss your chance to get involved with the security industry’s leading news publication.

There is still an opportunity to get your latest news featured alongside the top views and updates from the security industry’s forerunners if you get in touch with us before the 14th of April 2014.

In this edition we will be featuring stories on:

  • Training within the security industry.
  • Managing risks and security threats.
  • Car park security measures and perimeter security technology.
  • A regional close up on Eastern Europe and Russia.

To submit your news stories, or share your views on any of the above features or any key issues you feel are affecting the security industry, you can contact Kirsty McMahon, Assistant Editor, via phone on +44 (0)1543 250456, or email

There are also a limited number of spaces remaining to advertise in this publication on a first come, first serve basis, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with Peter Mawson, Commercial Director, to find out more about how to take advantage of these opportunities. Peter can be reached via phone on +44 (0)1543 250456, or via email on



Issue 5 of SecurityNewsDesk

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