MJF congratulates Securitas on winning the IFSEC award for Customer Service

MJF Security

MJF Security is proud to be nominated twice as finalists in the manned guarding award category

We’d like to say well done to Securitas for picking up this year’s prized IFSEC Guarding Service Delivery Award.

As one of the IFSEC elite group of finalists, MJF was impressed when Securitas picked up this sought after accolade at the prestigious awards ceremony held at the Hilton Metropole in Birmingham on the 16th May.

MJF Security is delighted to have two of our security teams as finalists in the manned guarding service delivery category this year.

Our security teams are well trained, motivated and enthusiastic. You can rely on us to bring our practical knowledge to every assignment, large and small. We respond to every organisations needs, expectations and requirements.

MJF Security currently holds SIA Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) status for the provision of security guarding and key holding services.

We are a member of Pacesetters, which is made up of Contract Security Guarding Companies in the top 15% benchmarking and achievement levels, set by the Security Industry Authority Approved Contractor Scheme.

So well done Securitas and watch this space for next year’s winner.

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