Security Institute hails ‘phenomenal’ year for Security Management Diploma

security-institute-logoThe Security Institute claims high demand for its Diploma in Security Management is testament to the growing popularity of the security sector.

Launched in 2009, the Security Institute’s Diploma in Security Management is open to those with five years’ security management experience from either the private and public security sectors.

The distance-learning course consists of five mandatory modules, should take 12 months to complete, and is recognised as part of existing degree courses by the University of Lancaster, the University of Leicester, Buckinghamshire New University and the University of Portsmouth.

Interest has grown year-on-year in the Diploma, according to the Security Institute, and over 100 people completed the course in what it hailed as a ‘phenomenal’ 2012. Successful students are awarded an Edexcel accredited BTEC Level 5 Professional Award in Security Management.

Emma Shaw CSyP, chairman of the Security Institute, said: “We are thrilled with the part the Diploma in Security Management continues to play in enhancing the professionalism of the security industry.

“Given the tough economic climate the high demand we are seeing for the course is exceptional and illustrates the growing popularity of the sector and the calibre of the people working in it.”

The Security Institute claims current students embarking on the diploma include security managers, senior police officers, facilities managers and members of the armed services.


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