Share your message in the next edition of SecurityNewsDesk

We’re hard at work on the next edition of our SecurityNewsDesk newspaper and we want your expert perspective. As the voice of the security industry, we want to hear all your latest news and views, as well as get your thoughts on our featured topics.

In the next edition, we’ll be taking a close look at the following themes, as well as discussing a range of key industry events like the Cyber Security Expo, Transec 2014, and Global MSC 2014.

Biometrics: We’ll be looking at how facial recognition technology is influencing the way police forces across the UK and beyond are working.
Corporate security: Are IP security systems leaving your business vulnerable to cyber security threats?
Aviation security: With the ever-present threat of terrorism and other criminal activity, we explore how the aviation industry is protecting itself and passengers.
Region focus: We turn the spotlight on the ASEAN region.
Do you have anything to contribute on any of these subjects? Then get in touch with Deputy Editor, Kirsty McMahon, today on +44 (0)1543-250-456 or email

The newspaper also provides the ideal platform to convey your own message to the security industry’s top decision makers with a range of advertising opportunities. To find out how to get involved, call Commercial Director, Peter Mawson, on +44 (0)1543-250-456 or email

You can subscribe to the print version of the newspaper, free of charge, and find the last edition of the newspaper electronically here.

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