The Standards Development team at Skills for Security has been working with representatives from the worlds of Close Protection and Port Security to review the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for these sectors.
It is now time for wider consultation on the changes that have been made and practitioners in these two sectors are invited to have their say. This is an important part of the review process and all comments will go back to the advisory working groups for consideration.
The draft suite of NOS for Providing Close Protection will be available for your views and comments until 31st August and the Port Security Operations draft NOS until 30th September.
Please visit the Skills for Security website (www.skillsforsecurity.org.uk) then click on the banner for NOS consultation to view the draft suites of NOS with their supporting documentation and to complete the online questionnaire.
Skills for Security is the Standards Setting Organisation for the private security business sector, working with employers to raise standards and meet the demand for a more professional, highly trained and qualified workforce.
08450 750111