Pilgrims Group recognised for quality in audit

Pilgrims Group Ltd Logo
Pilgrims Group Ltd Logo

Pilgrims Group Limited has been ranked in the top five per cent of UK security companies for the quality of service, good practice and professionalism of its security and static guarding services

Reports by the government’s Security Industry Authority (SIA) and the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) demonstrate that the company is among the best performers of the 745 security providers in the UK which hold the watchdog’s Approved Contractor Status (ACS). The achievement follows rigorous inspections by the SIA and ISO this January.

The SIA awarded Pilgrims 100% compliance with agency standards when examining the company’s procedures in disciplines such as static guarding, security screening, customer relations and staff development. Its report stated the company needed to make no further improvement and awarded Pilgrims a score of 123 points, up from last year’s 108. This confirms Pilgrims’ continued presence in the top 5% of medium sized companies assessed.

The ISO also awarded the company 100% for its adherence to British Standards for static guarding and the security screening code of practice, asserting there were no “non-conformances” to the codes.

The SIA, which assessed the company’s static guarding services at two client locations, said in its report, “All staff interviewed whilst working at client sites were well aware of their responsibilities and enjoyed a good working relationship with the client’s staff. This was confirmed during customer interviews.”

Other areas in which the company was assessed were the quality of management structures and leadership, human resources, standard operation procedures (SOPs) and quality of communication between management, employees and public agencies, including the police and clients.

The report acknowledged many good practices operated by the company including:

  • Making stakeholders, such as consumers, police and other authorities, aware of the organisation’s overall approach to business.
  • Informing staff of their opportunities for career development by pursuing relevant and recognised qualifications.
  • The willingness of the organisation’s senior leaders to review and update working practices and industry standards for their sector.
  • The effective role taken by company leaders in promoting values, codes and ethics within the industry.
  • The high level of customer satisfaction and consistency of PGL’s internal procedures.

“The SIA and ISO conclusions are a tremendous accolade for our dedicated staff and management,” said Pilgrims Contract Development Manager, Des Ewers. “The continued increase in our scores is down to the introduction of new good practices as we always strive to better our service, both for clients and our employees.”

“To achieve a rating among the top 5% of ACS security companies in the UK demonstrates how hard our teams work to provide the best working practices and customer service in the industry,” added Pilgrims Managing Director, Bill Freear. “The SIA’s accreditation scheme is now an essential mark of quality. Both existing and potential clients want to see their security provider in the top percentages.”



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