Property security a concern during Halloween period

Property security a concern during Halloween period reports that 37% of homeowners are scared of Halloween with fears relating to property vandalism. Youths using Halloween as an excuse to inflict damage to property is predicted to rise this Halloween, with homeowners encouraged to be vigilant.

The security survey carried out by as part of their Fear of Crime Survey suggests that many people worry about Halloween. A study of claims data from the last 10 years from insurer Aviva suggests that damage to homes rises 150% and damage to cars rises 50% on Halloween.

Crime rates spike on the 31st October generally, with the USA who have been enjoying Halloween on a huge scale for years reporting a 50% rise in crime. Some states have banned over 16’s from wearing masks, for example, to clamp down on gangs and crime.

However the frightening effects of Halloween may not be as scary for some, with the majority of people (63%) saying they were not worried about Halloween.

Jonathan Ratcliffe from who carried out the survey comments, “We have found with our survey that fear of crime is not usually based on fact. People worry but in fact the statistics don’t back up their fear – the UK is actually safer than ever – just be extra vigilant on Halloween night”

“The biggest thing people can do to protect themselves is to check they locked their front door. This seems obvious but 5,000 people were burgled because they left their door unlocked last year. Crime prevention is usually just common sense” says Ratcliffe. is a national installer and service agent of close-circuit television systems for businesses and homes. previously found that up to three-quarters of existing camera systems contain some sort of fault that would make evidence collected inadmissible in a court of law. The company is leading a campaign to ensure systems are regularly serviced to ensure camera-based criminal convictions are maximised.

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