Security Technology Live ‘offers better service to industry’

The organisers of new exhibition Security Technology Live claim it will provide the security installer and integrator market with a “really strong” and focused opportunity to grow their businesses.

Clarion Events unveiled last week the launch of Security Technology Live, a new installer and channel facing event scheduled for Birmingham’s National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in May 2014,

The company, which organises over 200 events worldwide, adds Security Technology Live to its global security and defence portfolio that consists of the Counter Terror Expo and the bi-annual DSEI Defence & Security Show.

Security Technology Live is to be held across three halls at the NEC from May 13-15 2014 after development through consultation with a range of exhibitors, associations and other stakeholders.

Focused clearly on the UK and European distributor, reseller and installer communities, Clarion Events claims Security Technology Live is designed to assist the community adapt to an “increasingly sophisticated residential and commercial security environment”.

Philip Hunter, Event Director at Clarion Defence and Security, told SecurityNewsDesk the pure channel focus of the event complements the end user exhibition already in their portfolio, Counter Terror Expo, which they hail as “THE end user event in London”.

He outlined a real need for “two dedicated events that serve the industry well”; stating the channel and end user “don’t mix together well” and combining the two in one event can lead to an “unfocused mismatch” that doesn’t benefit attendees.

“The feedback showed a definite need for a channel event at the NEC. Birmingham is a proven tried and tested model and mid-May is a proven formula,” added Mr Hunter.

“Security Technology Live offers a platform to demonstrate huge technical advancements and showcase new technology to those who are buying it. It is a good opportunity to service the industry in a better way.”

Clarion Defence and Security had been planning such a new channel event for some time and previously looked at other Midland-based options before finalising on the NEC. Mr Hunter said Security Technology Live will be taking place in the newer Atrium Halls in May 2014 and will be a wholly new show for the industry.

He reckons the more targeted nature of the event means a “very competitive” pricing model and stands designed purely for channel visitors, which can bring more return-on-investment for exhibitors.

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